Dual is not your average drilling consulting firm. At Dual, we operate as a competitive team to be the best operationally and economically while maintaining a strong safety culture. With Dual managing your drilling operations you won't just get a stack of resumes; you will get a well-oiled machine with the sole focus of drilling your well faster, cheaper and safer than anyone else. We don't just claim to be the best. We prove it. Below are highlights of projects where our team has outperformed offset operators at every turn. This is real, unedited data. Our projects, nor the available offset data, have not been normalized in any way.

Western Pecos County Project
This project was completed by Dual for a start-up company with no operational staff or experience at the time of the project. Three pilot holes were drilled in the very southernmost part of the Delaware Basin. Offset wells showed significant drilling hazards leading to uneconomical drilling costs. Dual covered all elements of the operational setup, drilling planning, proprietary well design and execution of these 3 wells. This was an environment where it would be almost impossible for a brand-new operator, with no operational experience, to move into a new area and be successful. Not only was Dual able to assist this operator in drilling their 3 wells with minimal issues, these were the fastest, most economical wells ever drilled in the area. This start-up company was able to come into a new area, with the help of Dual Drilling Consultants, and outperform major operators who had struggled in the same area.

Reeves County Project
This two well project was drilled for a new operator that had not yet drilled a well and had limited operational staff. This was an area where Dual had not drilled in the exact area previously but had experience in that county. Dual did offset research and proposed a drilling plan. Dual's planning team put together a drilling procedure and worked hand-in-hand with Dual rig-site supervisors to execute the best drilling performance seen in the area.